Is this something I need to worry about? Often patients ask if they need to worry that untreated pilonidal cysts or sinuses will turn into cancer. The short answer is "probably not". But there are some things to consider, and if this is something that you are concerned about, here are some facts of whichRead more
A new age of internet search is upon us! In the past, we could search Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc, and these search engines would take us to thousands (if not millions) of web pages discussing the topic we queried. But, now we can just ask the Bing or Google Chatbot a question, and it canRead more
Is hyperbaric therapy a good solution for pilonidal wounds that won't heal? We often see patients who have spent a great amount of time, expense and effort in trying to get wounds to heal after failed pilonidal surgery. One of the treatment modalities that is used at times is hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapyRead more
When I perform a cleft-lift, there are dozens and dozens of sutures holding the flap in place. Sutures hold tissues in position until the body’s natural healing process takes over and normal scar tissue takes their place. This healing process takes six weeks in a well nourished patient. In general, we want suture material thatRead more