Am I Doomed? The short answer is, “no”. But, what should you do now? When a cleft lift fails – meaning that either the incision came apart and isn’t healing, or a new cyst, sinus, or wound has developed – it is usually because the cleft-lift failed to flatten the entire cleft, a new foldRead more
The Gips Procedure is one of the many pilonidal operations that fall into the "minimally invasive pilonidal surgery" category. This procedure is a modification of the Bascom pit picking procedure, and it was described by Dr. Moshe Gips, from Israel, in an excellent paper from 2008. He modifies the pit picking operation by using trephinesRead more
Is is absolutely necessary to stop smoking before a cleft lift operation? When surgeons perform flap procedures for various medical problems, it is a general rule that patients should stop smoking before and after the operation. This is because when a flap is created part of its blood supply is divided in the process ofRead more