Dr. Immerman speaks at the International Pilonidal Society meeting in Turkey
In October of 2024 Dr. Immerman presented several lectures on his surgical technique and results with the cleft lift procedure to an international audience of pilonidal surgeons and physicians at Medipol University in Istanbul, Turkey. Many world leaders and innovators in this area of surgery were present, including Dr. Immerman and Dr. Daniels, as well as Dr. Shrager, Dr. Zapotoczny, and Dr. Tom Bascom. This was part of a two day meeting devoted only to the recognition and treatment of pilonidal disease, and is the fourth time that Dr. Immerman has presented his research and findings to this society. Several surgeons spoke about the benefits of the cleft lift procedure which has consistently shown the best results of any of the various treatment options. The International Pilonidal Society is the only organization which focuses specifically on pilonidal disease and its treatment. This was an extremely valuable meeting for all in attendance and was worth traveling almost half-way across the world to attend. Meetings like this will help educate physicians regarding the most successful ways to treat this disease.