Why won’t my wound heal?
Dealing with failed operations Often patients ask me why their previous surgery won’t heal. Or, why it heals but then reopens. Surgeons often blame this on: the patient’s hygiene quality of wound care…
Read moreDealing with failed operations Often patients ask me why their previous surgery won’t heal. Or, why it heals but then reopens. Surgeons often blame this on: the patient’s hygiene quality of wound care…
Read moreSome of the first research on the subject The term “pilonidal” means “nest of hair”. We know that pilonidal cysts contain loose hairs. These hairs are not “ingrown”,…
Read moreAll I see is pits – do I need to worry? Pilonidal disease occurs because of a deep gluteal cleft. Pressure develops in the cleft, and causes pores in the midline to enlarge. If one looks carefully,…
Read moreEither before or after surgery There is a lot of confusion about getting wet when patients have open wounds, or are immediately post-op. The general instructions that we give patients after a cleft-lift…
Read moreAre evil bacteria the reason why some surgery fails? Bacteria will grow and cause problems in wounds that are not healing well. Usually, when pilonidal surgery fails it is not because a patient was…
Read moreUnfortunately, some patient’s experience with surgery for pilonidal disease is unsuccessful. There are patients have numerous operations over a span of many years and can not seem to have their…
Read moreWe routinely take care of patients with pilonidal cysts, non-healing pilonidal wounds, and pilonidal abscesses with great success in the pediatric, teen, and adult age groups.